Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yeah! GOTCHA !!!
But still got various of obstacles to go through...
I swear I will overcome it together with her....
As she say, nothing will break our relationship and
We have to encourage each other and chant more for each other and our relationship.
.... Don't know what to write... Thats it ^^

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Erm, so far so good.
Everything goes under control and my expectation.
I bet there is more improvement coming soon.
Just eager for it very much.^^
Hope my next post is a victory report Haha

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Should I ???

I was like thinking : Should I say it out or not???
And she was like thinking (maybe la) : Why till now you still don't want to say???

So the conclusion is, I'm totally confusing.... Should I said it or not, scare later get BOOM from her... 
Somebody help me!!! But I bet nobody can help me ><